We've just released the new version of Shuggerlain for our patrons for now.
The complete changelog of this update is:
- 2nd part of Eldrien (including minigame)
- 1st part of Fernia (with army battle included)
- New succubus event with new battle system (Misha battle will also have the new system. We're checking if the new system is good or needs changes before applying it to the rest of the battles)
- New events with Izuin
- Oghizz event
- 3 new dates with H-scenes (Yraselle, Atzi and Luth)
- New Affection system limits: Luth to lvl 9, Yraselle to 6, Atzi to 3.
- Prologue and other parts of the game a bit more interactive.
- Nulkan and Dynae (adult) with idle animations.
- Hidden sexy content with Luth
- Minor update on the Hidden sexy content with Saraith
- Vex 2nd date H-scene has voice now
- Improvements on the Shuggerlain map
- Jukebox on the main menu
- Adjustments in the battles (damage done, units shown, reply damage...)
- Adjustment on the volume of some audios.
- Credits updated
- Other minor stuff