The new update of Space Paws is already available for patrons (that supported us on March)
Here's the changelog:
-Added a new and "hidden*" easter egg (including a new minigame and 2 animated H-scenes)
-Added talking animations in ALL characters
-Added blinking animation on Roselyn's and Alison's faces
-H-scene on Lake with Roselyn is now animated
-Added animations in many backgrounds: Main menu, market, landing zones. (yes, I've written ZONES, not ZONE :P . Did we say we wouldn't work on the new planet at all? Oh, well... we lied lol)
- The weight of the game has been drastically optimizied. The swf weights almost the 50% of v0.25.1
-New main menu background theme.
-The sound quality has been improved.
-We believe we've solved the most of the bugs that make the game crash when it was played online.
-Credits have been updated (with all + 25$ patrons )
how long to .3 is out for all
April 30 :)